Technology progress is distinguished by immensely increased speed, capacity and functionality for information storing and processing and by the ability to transmit at lower cost. 技术进步的特点是大幅度提升了的信息储存与处理的速度容量和功能,以及成本更为低廉的传播能力。
Damage to or loss of cargo, fuel or stores caused in the act of handling, discharging, storing, reloading and stowing shall be made good as general average, when and only when the cost of those measures respectively is admitted as general average. 只有当搬移、卸载、储存、重装和积载货物、燃料或物料的费用可认作共同海损时,由于各该措施而造成的货物、燃料或物料的损失才应作为共同海损受到补偿。
So, not only is Northwest BioTherapeutics producing a personalized vaccine to the individual patient, but it's also storing a3 year stock pile for that patient at low cost. 因此,NWBT公司不仅生产出个体化治疗性肿瘤疫苗,还以低廉的成本为患者连续贮存了3年的用药。
By storing half of the forwarding table, comparators are avoided and TCAM cost is reduced. 通过转发表的减半存储(Half-Stored),第二组方案避免了比较器的使用并减少了TCAM的容量需求。
Storing cost is high; 储存成本过大;
As cement products are not suitable for storing in open storage and storing for a long time, as the marketing situation is effected by seasonal demands, a lot of enterprises have taken producing cement clinker as a main approach for reducing productive cost. 由于水泥产品不宜露天存放和不宜存放时间太长,且受季节销售的影响,促使众多企业把生产水泥熟料作为降低成本的主要途径。
Implementing automatic ceramic powder storing and continuous proportional weighing is cannot but developing orientation for modern ceramic floor-and-wall tile production and the development of corresponding flexible developing system is propitious to its flexible design and cost reduction. 实现陶瓷自动配料是现代陶瓷墙地砖生产的必然发展方向,研制其柔性开发系统有利于实现自动配料系统的柔性开发,并且可大幅节约开发成本。
Based on the above qualitative analysis, it constructs an inventory optimizing model for manufacturer and storing company respectively, fingers out an optional result of the cost decision variable. 在前面定性分析基础上,分别建立生产型企业和销售型企业有需求提前期的库存优化模型,得出成本决策变量的最优解。
The beneficial results include unifying material code, data sharing, connecting isolated information resources, accepting and storing goods strictly according to purchasing orders, higher accuracy in business accounting and lowering the purchasing cost by keeping rational inventory. 达到统一物料编码,实现数据共享、连接信息孤岛资源,获得严格参照采购订单验收入库、提高业务核算的准确性、确保合理库存降低采购成本的实效。
Setting up a Mathematical Model for Fuel Storing to Reach the Optimum Balance of Inventory and Cost 建立燃料存储数学模型使存量和成本达到最佳平衡
2D Barcodes have the advantages of high density, large information capacity, high reliability, excellent capability of error correction, ability of storing multiple information, high confidentiality, ability of anti-counterfeit and low cost. 二维条码具有密度高、信息量大、可靠性高、纠错能力强、可表示多种信息、保密防伪性好、使用成本低廉等诸多优点。